
Hydrosilk- Brow Talk


Hydrosilk | brow talk with Madison Bailey

“With masks the new norm, Schick positions eyebrows as the new lips”- AdWeek

Hydro Silk teamed up with Outer Banks sensation Madison Bailey and renowned body language expert Blanca Cobb to help viewers master the art of confident nonverbal communication using only their brows.

Our video went viral and as a result, Hydro Silk Touch-Up sold out on Amazon.

Awards: Shorty Awards Finalist in Beauty

Team: Senior AD: Kyle Swoyer | Senior CW: Alex Rossetti


“Outer Banks Madison Bailey wants you to flirt with your brows”


“Madison Bailey of Outer Banks Has a $5 Brow Secret You Need to Hear” 


“Bailey shares her secrets on perfect brows and communicating in a mask-filled society”

“Madison Bailey partnered with Hydro Silk to demonstrate how to shape your brows”